Melbourne Marriage Celebrant



Kerry Diamond


I realise it’s hard to pick a celebrant when there are so many awesome ones out there. SO, if you’re looking for a sign that I might be the one for you, I’ve included some potential deal maker/ breaker facts about me:

  • I can’t deal with runny egg yolk

  • I am from Kent, the Garden of England apparently

  • I was a hooker (haha, for my rugby team you filthy animals!)

  • I LOVE toilet humour

OK, I can hear you saying… “Kerry, but what we really want to know is why you? What do you do differently?”. I’ve been asked this many times and truth be told, it’s not about what I can do differently, it’s about if we click or not.

This click is SO important as it means you’ll trust me and let me in to your inner sanctum, which is where the magic truly happens. It’s here, in learning all about you and your relationship, that ideas for personalising your ceremony spring forward you end up with something that is an authentic expression of you.

I’m energetically led and a big believer in trusting your gut, so if you want to see if we click then let’s chat!

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